On 7th September 2024, we opened our new facility near Easingwold, a small market town 12 miles north of York and on the edge of the rolling hills of Ryedale. This is a huge step for the future of Feather Cycles and brings with it lots of potential for things I have always wanted to do, but haven’t had the space for.

First of all, room to breath. I felt that in my previous workshop, it was constantly feeling cramped and overflowing with parts, tubing, frames in progress, and it was always a worry that a new frame with get knocked due to the lack of room to manoeuvre. Luckily this never happened!

We now have a bike fit studio on site, so every step of the build process apart from paint takes place under one roof. Over the years, I have attended upwards of 400 bike fits with various bike fitters, all taking different approaches and this experience has been invaluable. We have a modified Retul fitting jig which I modified to run on a Wahoo Kickr, this way I can control the resistance from my phone and watch as your watts increase for the same amount of perceived effort as your position on the bike improves. We also have a saddle fitting system from Pro, using the Pro sizing cube and following a basic flexibility test, I can determine your correct saddle width and shape before you even sit on the bike.

We have an incredible inventory of machines, jigs and fixtures, hand tools and anything else which is required for both building frames, post paint/pre build prep tools, assembly and servicing.

We have a workshop where we service and repair any and all bikes. We get plenty of older Feather bikes back for servicing, but we work on everything from children’s bikes to the very best and most valuable high performance Triathlon bikes.

Finally, we also have an onsite showroom and lounge where we have our own bikes on display as well as new customers bikes which have not yet been collected, this means there is quite often a change in what bikes can been seen up close and personal. If you would like to call in to visit the showroom, we always welcome visits and are open from Monday to Friday although it’s always worth giving us a call as occasionally I have errands to run and would never want to miss you.

In addition to the above, we also plan on holding social rides and events here at HQ. We will post about any upcoming events or rides on both social media and on our blog.